Typically people buy from people they consider to be experts or from people who are specialists. Here are some quick ideas for positioning yourself as an expert and getting more people to know about you.
- Write and distribute an online newsletter.
- Write articles that educate your prospects about how to buy your services for trade publications. Send reprints to clients and prospects.
- Write and distribute a white paper on the topic or issue on which you want to be recognized as an expert. Use this as bait to encourage prospects to contact you.
- Create a web site loaded with useful content relevant to your topic or issue. Make sure you post your articles on your website.
- Join trade associations focused on your industry or segment.
- Offer yourself as an expert guest to producers of radio and TV shows so they can interview you.
- Give speeches at conferences and meetings.
- Teach a course in your specialty at a local college, university or adult education program.
- Get listed in Who’s Who.
- Have people endorse you on social networks like Face Book and Linked In
- Produce a short content video on You Tube
Try these ideas, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you become a recognized expert in your field.