Want to send your sales sky-rocketing?
My experience working with small and medium businesses shows that if you consistently do the following 5 things in your business, you can double sales in under six months.
1. Figure out your uniqueness.
If you know why your clients buy from you, then you know how to position yourself for new prospects. Scan your previous invoices and discover:
Who buys from you?
Which clients are most profitable?
What do they buy?
Why do they buy?
Why is it better than the competition?
Once you have these answers figuring out your value is simple. Your next set of questions includes:
How do I find more of these people?
How do I communicate with them?
Keep improving your answers and you’ll keep improving your sales.
2. Start by focussing inward
Most business owners are obsessed with making sales to new prospects, when making sales to existing clients is easier and cheaper. They know you and like you, all you have to do is find a need. Think about what else they buy:
Before they buy from you?
While they are buying from you?
After they buy from you.
These answers all represent opportunities to sell other things and to extend the buying potential of your clients. Maximize these existing relationships and you’ll grow far more rapidly than by focussing on new prospects.
3. Reduce the risk.
Risk reduces trust and lack of trust kills sales. The bigger the risk, the slower the sales process. Reverse the risk by offering a strong guarantee that takes the risk away from the prospect and your sales will accelerate.
4. Be easy to buy from.
Don’t put barriers in your client’s way when they want to buy. Be easy to reach, respond quickly, especially to e-mails but also to phone messages. Give your customers easy payment terms and above all listen.
5. Ask for referrals.
Referrals close at a 500% greater rate than all other leads. Ask every client and prospect for referrals to the type of client you are looking for. If they’ll sit with you and go through their database, you’ll be amazed at how many referrals you can get from a single sitting. Using this simple process, one of my financial services clients regularly get 50 -100 new leads every time he works with the right kind of prospect.