Value Your Negatives With Paradoxical Thinking
Here's a great article from Jim Blasingame, The Small Business Advocate. One of the most interesting things to observe about humans is how paradoxical we are. Webster defines [...]
How Often Should You Repeat a Mailing?
I am often asked this question and usually my answer is at least 2 or 3 times if it works the first time. I will explain why in a moment. [...]
What to Do When Your Competitors Cut Prices
I was at a cocktail party the other night and struck up conversation with J. O., a young guy who had so much energy he was bouncing off the walls. [...]
Whether You Acknowledge It or Not, Your Business Buys Customers!
L.T. has a graphic design business. She's as busy as she wants to be, but feels she would like to move to a clientele who are willing to pay more [...]
Do You Blame Your Prospects When Your Products Or Services Are Not Selling As Well As You Would Like?
This kind of attitude is not unique to high-tech firms, but it was definitely a dominant theme one day last week when I was a guest at a discussion group [...]
Ensure Your Product Or Service is a Winner in the Market
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are other companies out there that offer the same products or services that you do! Of course, deep-down [...]
Ensure Your Product Or Service is a Winner in the Market
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are other companies out there that offer the same products or services that you do! Of course, deep-down [...]
5 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Advertising Results
It is often said that writing and advertisement or a direct mail piece is nothing more than salesmanship in print or whatever medium you choose. Here are 5 simple things [...]
The Power of a Single Action Web Site
Does your web site produce what you expect from it? In my experience most web sites, including one of mine, achieve very little, despite spending considerable sums of money [...]