Did Anyone Get That Customer’s E-Mail Address?

What is an e-mail address worth? How about a tenfold increase in lifetime customer value! David Cross, a top Internet marketing consultant to Agora Publishing, says that customers who give [...]

The Power of Personal Branding

"You either create a brand that is distinct......or you become extinct".   Tom Peters, In Search of Excellence.   Guest Article, by Shannon Smith   According to a UCLA study, [...]

A Shortcut To Business Success

"We'd all have 20/20 vision if we could use the benefit of hindsight" -Sergeant Max Roswell, Rhodesian Army, Corps of Engineers-   I woke up on this morning with a [...]

Reduce Risk and Increase Sales

From time to time I meet people whose work impresses me as being valuable, practical and worth sharing with my readers. Today’s guest essay is one of those. I recently [...]

You Marketing Versus Me Marketing

During the course of a week I usually meet several people who hope to sell me something. What astonishes me is how few of these people ask questions to find [...]

You Can Learn Anything You Want

Most business owners are too busy to read sufficiently to learn everything they need to run their business. If you would like to read more than you do, but don't [...]