How To Cost Effectively Double Your Client Base

It seems everyone I talk to says that it is getting harder to get responses from their marketing.   Imagine having access to a marketing strategy so powerful, it could add tens or hundreds of thousands to your bottom line overnight… but few people ever do it because it seems too simple! In my experience, […]

How Testing Your Market Can Improve Your Bottom Line

No one knows for sure if any marketing idea is going to work until they try it, yet many business owners get an idea and implement it. While taking action is an important contributor to success, this approach can be costly. I recently ran a direct mail campaign for a new product I was launching. I was excited about […]

How Newsletters Help You Stay In Touch

Many business owners worry about how to stay in touch with a growing customer base. They know when you build relationships, you build sales, but worry about the cost of person to person contact. One of the most common responses is to start a newsletter.  Newsletters are an excellent medium to keep in touch with a large […]

How Many Months Do You Have Left to Achieve Your Dreams

Over the last year I have noticed an interesting phenomenon. Despite the very positive feedback I get from people on the value and practical nature of the marketing ideas I supply in this newsletter, in my courses and in my consulting, many people seem to find it hard to take the personal action needed. This […]

Great Recovery the key to customer problems

Much of what I have covered in past newsletters has been about how to get new customers. An equally important part of marketing is keeping the customers you have. Today I want to give you a simple but very practical 4 step process for dealing with customer problems. No matter how great your business is […]

Google Desktop Search: Security Threat

Last issue, (# 47 A Simple Way to Find Any File on your Computer), I introduced you to the Google Desk Top Search tool. I love it, it has changed my life, or at least the computer related part.   However all is not as it appears. Wayne Clements from Business Solutions With Integrity Inc. […]

Getting Emotion Into Your Business Marketing

In my last issue I talked about remembering that business prospects are people too and that they make purchases for emotional reasons. (#36 Is Business To Business Marketing Different Than Business to Consumer) When marketing to business prospects, remember the following emotional appeals, and include them either in your sales pitches and in your copy. A Fear of […]

Get Unsolicited Referrals by “Wowing” Your Customers

“If you don’t get referrals, you haven’t earned them.” – Jim Cecil There is no question that businesses that “wow” their customers grow quicker than firms that do not. But how do you wow your customers consistently? This is a question that should be top of mind for every business owner. Many people believe you […]