The End of Time Management
Do you want the good news or the bad news first? I’m not sure of what you prefer, but let me give you the bad news first. Consider this, completed days, where everything on your to-do list is done at the end of the day are about as realistic as Santa Claus and the Easter […]
There Are Only 3 Reasons a Prospect Won’t Buy From You!
Brad Antin, author of Common Sense Marketing, says there are only three reasons why your prospect won’t buy from you: They don’t want what you are selling. They can’t afford what you are selling. They don’t believe you. If they don’t want what you are selling or can’t afford what you are selling you have […]
Why Business Seminars Don’t Work!
A funny thing happened last week. I sent out an invitation to an introductory seminar to my list of readers. I received two calls about an hour apart from readers. One business owner was in Toronto the other in Melbourne, Australia. They were both resistant to my offer for what appeared to be different reasons. […]
11 Quick Steps to Gaining Credibility in Your Field
Typically people buy from people they consider to be experts or from people who are specialists. Here are some quick ideas for positioning yourself as an expert and getting more people to know about you. Write and distribute an online newsletter. Write articles that educate your prospects about how to buy your services for trade […]
How to Avoid B.S. From Your Marketing Consultant
Do you sometimes feel that you are getting questionable advicewhen you speak to marketing consultants? The challenge is usually quite simple. You have a good service,your customers love you, but you need more new clients if you areto make the kind of take home money you feel you deserve. So youseek the help of an […]
Successfully Recruiting Top Sales People
Do you sometimes feel that you are getting questionable advice when you speak to marketing consultants? The challenge is usually quite simple. You have a good service, your customers love you, but you need more new clients if you are to make the kind of take home money you feel you deserve. So you seek […]
“Never Cold Call Again!” Getting Publicity for Your ‘Bait Piece.’
Part Two -Getting Publicity for Your ‘Bait Piece.’ In part 1 of this article I covered how using problem solving “bait pieces” can put you in a position where you never have to cold call again. Imagine what your life would be like if you and your sales team only handled calls from interested prospects? […]
Never Cold Call Again! Ensure All Your Sales Calls are Inbound Sales Calls
As a business owner you should be focusing on taking inbound sales calls only. If you have a sales team, how much more productive would they be if they only handled inbound calls from interested prospects? There was a time when outbound calling was an effective way to sell, but over the years it […]
5 Tips to Double Your Sales. Ensure That All Your Sales Calls Are Inbound Sales Calls
Want to send your sales sky-rocketing? My experience working with small and medium businesses shows that if you consistently do the following 5 things in your business, you can double sales in under six months. 1. Figure out your uniqueness. If you know why your clients buy from you, then you know how to position […]
10 Marketing Realities That Will Change Your Business For Ever
One of my readers sent me an e-mail complaining that the Business Pros Marketing articles are too long and that although she wants to read it, she has no time and so deletes more issues than she reads. So here you go Janet; 1. With more than 11,000,000 websites out there, the chances of […]