How to Figure Out Where You Should be Spending Your Scarce Marketing Dollars, Even if You Don’t Spend Money on Marketing!
“If only I could get prospects to call me, but….” “If only customers would walk in my door, but…” “If only I could get their attention, but…” Do you find yourself saying things like this? If you do, you are in good company. These are some of the commonest complaints uttered by owners of small […]
So You’ve Got a New Web Site;Does Your Customer Care?
I recently received the following unsolicited e-mail. Hello, we’re very pleased to announce that our new website has been launched – please check it out and feel free to provide feedback or comments! There was nothing else in the e-mail except the URL. What do you think most people would do when […]
Could It Be You Are Afraid of Marketing?
Last week I received a call from Geraldine, an owner of a small business in Montreal. She has an established business and has created a unique new product which has no real competition, she also has what appears to be a market with real unfulfilled needs. She is finding it difficult to get sales […]
Although Some Things Change Rapidly In Business, Other Things Never Change
Guess when this was written? The 1st time a man looks at an advertisement, he does not see it. The 2nd time, he does not notice it. The 3rd time, he is conscious of its existence. The 4th time, he faintly remembers having seen it before. The 5th time, he reads it. The 6th time, […]
Podcasting: The New Marketing Powerhouse Guest article by Blue Melnick of Virtual Tape Drive
Run a business? Me too. And even without knowing what your business is, I’ll bet we have the same persistent, insatiable need: to deliver our message to more people, more effectively, more often. Our goal, of course, is to attract the right kind of attention, and thereby continuously grow our respective client bases. And in […]
What’s the Next Killer Application That’s Going to Revolutionise the Way We Do Business?
The fist time I sent a fax was just after fax first came out, more than 25 years ago. I remember being slightly nervous because I was not really into the technology. What if I screwed up? What if I couldn’t get it to work? Although it was a new machine, compared to what we […]
Very Few Business Problems Cannot Be Solved By Adding A Few More Profitable Sales
I love to get questions from readers. After all its good for my ego when someone cares what I think! One of our Business Pros Marketing readers sent in this question… Recently a friend of mine started a business installing and repairing overhead doors; Residential, Commercial and Industrial. Things have been very busy for […]
10 Steps to Gaining Credibility in Your Field
I recently found these tips in a newsletter written by veteran copywriter Bob Bly. 10 Steps to Gaining Credibility in Your Field Write articles for trade publications. Join your industry’s major trade association. Offer yourself as an expert guest to producers, so you get interviewed on radio or TV. Create a content-rich Web […]
“You Can Network Anywhere, Anytime, On Any Occasion ~ Even At A Funeral ~ “
Guest article by Dr. Ivan Misner & Cindy Mount There is no place that’s inappropriate for networking. But this is true only if you always remember and follow the number one rule: honor the event. For a master networker, networking is a lifestyle, and it’s something that can be incorporated into everything one does. […]
How to Beat Spam Filters and Get Your E-mails Read
I heard an amazing statistic last week. As many as 75% of e-mails currently do not make it to the intended recipient’s in-box. This goes for legitimate e-mail as well as for spam. This recently got me into trouble with my wife. Friday night has been date night for us for the last 20 years. […]