Do You Blame Your Prospects When Your Products Or Services Are Not Selling As Well As You Would Like?
This kind of attitude is not unique to high-tech firms, but it was definitely a dominant theme one day last week when I was a guest at a discussion group for technology companies selling into health care. There was a fascinating discussion about what is happening in health care and how technology is changing the […]
Ensure Your Product Or Service is a Winner in the Market
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are other companies out there that offer the same products or services that you do! Of course, deep-down inside you know that, but do you act that way? What are you doing about it? A simple fact of life; everybody is in […]
Ensure Your Product Or Service is a Winner in the Market
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are other companies out there that offer the same products or services that you do! Of course, deep-down inside you know that, but do you act that way? What are you doing about it? A simple fact of life; everybody is in […]
5 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Advertising Results
It is often said that writing and advertisement or a direct mail piece is nothing more than salesmanship in print or whatever medium you choose. Here are 5 simple things to pay attention to. 1. Up front you need your prospects undivided attention – the only way you can do this is with a strong […]
The Power of a Single Action Web Site
Does your web site produce what you expect from it? In my experience most web sites, including one of mine, achieve very little, despite spending considerable sums of money on Search Engine Optimization, key words, etc. Good page ranking by Google seems to have questionable benefit. When you get a lot of […]
Did Anyone Get That Customer’s E-Mail Address?
What is an e-mail address worth? How about a tenfold increase in lifetime customer value! David Cross, a top Internet marketing consultant to Agora Publishing, says that customers who give you their e-mail address will spend up to ten times more money with you than customers for whom you do not have an e-mail address. […]
The Power of Personal Branding
“You either create a brand that is distinct……or you become extinct”. Tom Peters, In Search of Excellence. Guest Article, by Shannon Smith According to a UCLA study, 85% of all decisions are made with our eyes. This holds true when we meet people for the first time. We make an impression in […]
6 Simple Rules for Creating Direct Mail That Gets Your Phone to Ring
It almost doesn’t matter what business you are in, direct mail properly executed works. Sometimes it may not be very economical if you sell a low priced item, but a well crafted letter can get a prospect to take action. Direct mail specialists always say that direct mail is simply salesmanship in print, yet many […]
A Shortcut To Business Success
“We’d all have 20/20 vision if we could use the benefit of hindsight” -Sergeant Max Roswell, Rhodesian Army, Corps of Engineers- I woke up on this morning with a revelation about my business. It was so simple, I couldn’t believe it had taken me 2 years to figure it out. The interesting thing was […]
Do You Remember The Great Vision You Had When You Started Your Business?
“Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect, makes a few men rich.” -Henry Ford- At this time of the year, when we are making New Year’s resolutions and setting goals, it is useful to look back at that great vision and reflect. Not from a glass half-empty perspective, that serves no […]